Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Ending of the American Dream - 1200 Words
The Ending of the American Dream Since the early colonization of America, the American dream has been the ultimate symbol for success. In retrospect, the dreamer desires to become wealthy, while also attaining love and high class. Though the dream has had different meanings in time, it is still based on individual freedom, and a desire for greatness. During the 19th century, the typical goal was to settle in the West and raise a family. However, the dream progressively transformed into greediness and materialism during the early 20th century. The indication of success soon became focused on wealth and luxury. The Great Gatsby is a story focused on the deterioration of the American dream. Throughout the novel, Jay Gatsby is shown with a†¦show more content†¦Gatsby is too late in realizing that there is no sympathy in Daisy; there is just wealth and status. Gatsby’s impractical view of life is so great that he tells Daisy to break up with Tom. He undertakes that his dre am will be complete if she says she never loved Tom. To Gatsby, Daisy is an object of the past. His obsession with her does not allow him to distinguish between times. Gatsby perceives Daisy being the same women he met long ago. Gatsby’s failures stems from the gap in his judgment that Daisy only represents beauty and love. Although she seems to be light and full of kindness, she is actually selfish and greedy. She is irresponsible and inconsiderate with others; she lets Myrtle’s death become Gatsby responsibility, and she shows no concern when her action leads to Gatsby’s death. In fact, Daisy’s character is immediately revealed early in the novel when she hopes her daughter will â€Å"†¦be a fool†¦a beautiful little fool.†(20) After Daisy learns about Gatsby’s illicit activities, she almost immediately sides with her equally-alike husband. Across from Gatsby’s house lies the wealthy East Egg, where the Buchanans live. Gat sby’s desire to become part of the East Egg is symbolized by the green light next to the dock. The green light symbolizes Gatsby’s hunger for more power and wealth, along with Daisy. The color of green also represents Gatsby’s jealousy and bitterness to be part of the East Egg. Because the lightShow MoreRelatedThe American Dream Not Ending Perfectly By Lorraine Hansberry, It s One Of Her Realistic Masterpieces961 Words  | 4 Pages A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, it s one of her realistic masterpieces. The play expresses an African American family stand out in their respective to chase the American dream by experiencing contradictions and conflicts. Although in the play, the American dream not ending perfectly, the dramatis personae in the play, particularly mother Lena Younger, did not show any improvement by moving into a white neighborhood. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Dementia awareness Free Essays
Some of these things old be symptoms of dementia but they could Just be a memory Impairment. 2. 1 The medial model of dementia feels that it is more important to treat the disease rather than the person. We will write a custom essay sample on Dementia awareness or any similar topic only for you Order Now It focuses on the impairment as the problem and seeks to create dependency. The social model of dementia focus’ on the individual. And try’s to ensure the person’s capabilities are maintained. By learning about each person, the care and support can be designed appropriately for the individual’s needs. 2. 3 Dementia should be classed as a disability because as the disease progresses, the more support the individual needs. They could be unaware of the medication they need to take, ensure that they are eating/drinking. Maintaining personal hygiene. Each individual with dementia is different so they needs the care and support to maintain a good life. 3. 1 Alchemist’s. Vascular dementia- when the oxygen doesn’t reach the brain. ; Eely Bodies. Front-Temporal Dementia. 3. 2 3. 3 Signs and symptoms of Alchemist’s are: Minor memory problems Trouble saying the right words. Disorientation Mood swings Behavior changes The risk factors for Alchemist’s are: Age- most people are 65+ and likelihood doubles every 5 years. ; Genes (heredity) Signs and symptoms of vascular dementia are: Difficulties with completing tasks. Memory loss Mental confusion Low attention span Wandering in the night Stroke like symptoms The risk factors for vascular dementia are: Increasing age History of heart attacks, strokes or mini strokes. High cholesterol and blood pressure Diabetes Smoking Signs and symptoms of dementia in the Eely bodies: Visual hallucinations Delusions Muscle stiffness Slower movements Shaking and trembling Problems sleeping Risk factors for dementia in the Eely bodies are: Dementia in the Family history your risk of getting it. Signs and symptoms of Front-temporal dementia: Aggression Compulsive behavior Being easily distracted Lack of interest of washing themselves. 3. 4 Prevalence rates for dementia in the UK are: 40-64 years: 1 in 1400 65-69 years: 1 in 100 70-79 years: 1 29 80* years: 1 in 5 4. 1 Everyone who has dementia is an individual and will be at different stages of their dementia. An older person with Eely bodies’ dementia may need more assistance with everyday life tasks than an older person with Alchemist’s. This could be because how much they can do with the disease they have. A person with Eely bodies’ mental may need assistance with eating and drinking than a person with Alchemist’s as they can’t hold cutely because their body shakes but the person with Alchemist’s will be fine eating and drinking. A younger person with dementia may have different interests to someone who is 82 and has dementia. The support should be there to meet everyone individual needs. 4. 2 Other may act well to a person who has dementia because they know what is up with the person and has some knowledge and understanding. A person who has no understanding of dementia could have wrong Judgments and assumptions of a person with dementia. How to cite Dementia awareness, Papers Dementia awareness Free Essays Explain what is meant by demtia: Dementia is a term that is used when the brain is affected by different diseses or conditions. Describe the key functions of the brain affected by dementia: The key functions of the brain affected by dementia are- processing information,language,memory,ability to make sound Judements. Explain why depression, delirium and age related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia: They may be mistaken for dementia because the symtoms are simular eg ild cognitive impairment, apathy, confusion, poor memory, low concentration. We will write a custom essay sample on Dementia awareness or any similar topic only for you Order Now Understand key features of the theoretical models of dementia Outline the medical model of dementia: Expert control, dependency upon experts denial of personhood, not recognising the social context, distinction between normal and pathological, individualisation of behaviors, blaming the individual, tratment of the illness. Outline the social model of dementia: Interaction of biological and social factors, importance of communities and social etworks, role of socio-economic factors, political factors, recognition of personhood, effects of empowerment. Explain why dementia should be viewed as a disability: Dementia should be viewed as a disability because people who have dementia are at risk of harm, and are vunerable Know the most common types of dementia and their causes List the most common causes of dementia+ their symptoms: Alzheimers disease: causes- changes in chemistry and structure of the brain, death of brain cells, signs and symptoms- memory loss related to recent events,familiar aces, confusion about time of day, familiar objects and faces, finding the right word. Lewy body dementia: causes- development of lewy bodies inside the nerve cells, degeneration of brain tissue, signs and symptoms- memory loss, problem solving, confusion and delirium, servere phychotic symtoms such as persistant hallucinations. Vascular dementia: causes- effects of a stroke+a series of small strokes, signs and symptoms- memory loss dizzyness, slurred speech, effects movement, rapid+shuffing steps, leg/arm weakness, loss of bowel/bladder control. Fronto- temporal dementia: causes- accumulation of proteins, development of pick bodies, signs and symptoms- lack of insight, inability to emphasise, changing or inappropriate behaviour, loss of inhibitions, development of compulsive rituals. Risk factors- age related eg, higher blood pressure, changes to nerve cells, DNA cell structure, body repairs itself slower. Prevalence rates : people with medical history like downs syndrome, hiv, and peoples lifestyles eg- excess alcohol, lack of exercise, inappropriate diet. Understand tactors relating to an individuals experience ot dementia Describe now ifferent individuals may experience living with dementia depending on age, type of dementia, and level of ability and disability: Every individual with dementia are going to experience it different, because everybodys health situations are different, age, location, social networks, some may have support from friends and family and some may be alone, Behaviour of others: Behaviour of others can make a difference for someone with dementia eg, care workers, colleages, managers, speech therapists, support groups. If having this support will make the individuals experience better than without the support. How to cite Dementia awareness, Papers Dementia Awareness Free Essays DEMENTIA AWARENESS 3. 4 Identify prevelance rates for different types of dementia. Prevelance shows the number of new cases of dementia in a given time period. We will write a custom essay sample on Dementia Awareness or any similar topic only for you Order Now The well established prevelance rates for dementia in the UK are – 40-64 years – 1 in 1400 65-69 years – 1 in 100 70-79 years – 1 in 25 80+ – 1 in 6 It is estimated that by 2021 there will be one million people with dementia in the UK this is expected to rise to over 1. 7 million people with dementia by 2051. A steady rather than dramatic growth is expected over the next 25 years. The proportions of those with different forms of dementia can be broken down as follows – Alzheimers disease – 62% Vascular dementia – 17% Mixed dementia – 10% Dementia with Lewy Bodies – 4% Fronto-temperal dementia – 2% Other dementias – 3% There are currently nearly 36 million people with dementia in the world, the number of people is expected to double every 20 years, by 2050 it is projected that there will be 115 million people with dementia worldwide, 71 per cent of those will live in developing countries. There are 800,000 people in the UK with a form of dementia in 2012 and 17,000 are under 65, one in 14 people over 65 and one in 6 people over 80 has a form of dementia, the number of people with dementia in different parts of the UK has been estimated by applying new prevelance figures to estimates of the population numbers for 2011 theses are – England – 648,898 Northern Ireland – 18,286 Wales – 43,614 How to cite Dementia Awareness, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Moonlit Night free essay sample
A beautiful moonlit night. Nowadays,houses and buildings in a city or town are mostly lit by electricity public roads are well lit at night. Therefore,town people do not seem to notice the moon shinning in the night sky. There is no electricity in villages and resultm country folk have to do things by the light of the moon. They usually get a chance to admire the beauty of the moonlit nights. I still remember a beautiful moonlit night night that I enjoyed in the October of last year. At that time ,I was staying with my family and relatives in Chaung-Thar beach in Myanmar. That night was a moonlit night that people called Thadingyut full moon night. The moon was very large and shinning brightly and I could not help gazing at the silvery moon with a feeling of great pleasure. The moon bathed the countryside in a silvery light. We will write a custom essay sample on The Moonlit Night or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Thus,I could see the shadows of the big breakers crashed in thunderous white to the beach. As there wa a fair along the beach,we walked through that fair and bought presents for remembrance . After that we sat on the beach ang built a bonfire at the beachside. Then,we played sparkler and fire crackers. Then,I sat in silence and gazed at the moon. A light refreshing breeze was blowing and the herbs are swaying gently. Moreover,it was interesting to hear some children playing hopscotch and lind mans buff. Hearing the sounds was unusual experience for a city dweller like me. However,I had enjoyed that beautiful moonlit night happily and I had seen the living style of people in there. During this moonlit night, I had got some knowledges and enjoyed to feel the beauty of the moon The silvery light of the moon made beach look lovely . From this moonlit night,my mind was relaxed and my heart was filled with joys. It wa the most beautiful feeling I had ver experienced. I usually remember sitting in front of the bonfire and gazing at a yellowish full moon as if it were yesterday. I will never forget the moonlit night that I spend on the beautiful beach in Myanmar
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