Tuesday, November 5, 2019
25 Synonyms for Beginner
25 Synonyms for Beginner 25 Synonyms for â€Å"Beginner†25 Synonyms for â€Å"Beginner†By Mark Nichol There are a lot of terms used to identify a beginner many of them condescending or derogatory, so pay attention to connotation before employing any of these synonyms: 1. Abecedarian (from the Latin term abecedarius, â€Å"of the alphabet,†coined from linking the first four letters of the alphabet with vowels to form a pronounceable word): One in the early stages of learning. 2. Amateur (from the Latin term amator, â€Å"lover†): Someone who engages in an area of skill or expertise without remuneration, or, derogatorily, a person without experience or ability. 3. Apprentice (from the Latin term apprendere, â€Å"to learn†): One in the midst of hands-on training; originally denoting someone bound by a contract to train with a craftsperson, but now employed simply to refer to someone inexperienced. The term is used in a naval enlisted rank (â€Å"seaman apprentice†) and for the lowest level in Freemasonry (â€Å"entered apprentice†). 4. Babe (from the Middle English word coined in imitation of baby talk): An inexperienced person, with a condescending connotation of naivete. 5. Boot (from Anglo-French bote, â€Å"boot†): A US Navy or US Marine Corps recruit, perhaps from â€Å"boot camp†). Condescending. 6. Colt (from the Old English term for a young horse): A young, inexperienced person. Condescending. 7. Cub (from the word for a young animal): A young, inexperienced person, as in the expression â€Å"cub reporter,†referring to a new journalist. Condescending. 8. Fledgling (ultimately from Old English fleogan, â€Å"to fly†): Originally, use was confined to the literal meaning of â€Å"a young bird just learning to fly†; now, it is also a rare informal, condescending term for a young, inexperienced person (and is used to refer to a new enterprise). 9. Freshman (derived from fresh, as in â€Å"new to a situation,†and man): Originally referred only to a first-year student; now also denotes a politician or an athlete at the beginning of their career. 10. Greenhorn (from an obsolete English word referring to the new horns of a young horned mammal): Refers not only to a naive, inexperienced person but also to someone unfamiliar with customs or procedures. Condescending. 11. Layperson (from the Latin term laikos, â€Å"of the people†): A non-gender-specific variation of layman, originally denoting someone who is not a member of the clergy but now a general reference to someone who is not part of a particular profession or does not have expertise in a given subject matter. 12. Neophyte (from the Latin term neophytus, â€Å"newly planted†or â€Å"newly converted,†from the Greek word neophytos): A beginner or a convert. Mildly condescending. 13. Newbie (a diminutive noun derived from new): A person new to a place or situation, especially one unfamiliar with the conventions and etiquette of online interaction; a newer diminutive of this slang term is noob (or n00b, using zeros instead of the letter o, a variation often used in online conversation). Condescending or even derogatory. 14. Newcomer (a compound noun formed from new and come): Originally, one newly arrived to a location, but now a beginner in general. 15. Novice (from the Latin term novicius, â€Å"newly imported†): Originally, a probationary member of a religious organization, now generally someone with rudimentary skills. Depending on context, can be condescending. 16. Novitiate (see novice, above): A variation of novice, as well as a word for the condition of being a clerical novice, or the name of their residence. 17. Proselyte (from the Latin term proselytus, â€Å"foreign resident,†derived from the Greek word proselytos): A recent convert. 18. Probationer (from the Latin term probare, â€Å"approve†): Someone in the process of learning. 19. Punk (origin obscure): A young, inexperienced person, though it also has connotations pertaining to punk subculture and to sexuality. Derogatory. 20. Recruit (from the French term recrute, derived from recroistere, â€Å"to grow up again†): A newcomer; often used in a military or similar context. The term is used in the lowest naval enlisted rank (â€Å"seaman recruit†). Depending on context, can be condescending. 21. Rookie (uncertain; perhaps derived from recruit): One in his or her first year or years of experience, originally in the context of professional sports but now general in usage. (The back-formation rook is rare.) Depending on context, can be condescending. 22. Tenderfoot (a combination of tender and foot): Originally, someone new to a frontier area, unused to hardship; in the modern sense, a beginner. Condescending. 23. Trainee (from the Latin term traginare, â€Å"to draw†or â€Å"to train†): One learning a job or skill. 24. Tyro (from the Latin term tiro, â€Å"young soldier†): An inexperienced person. 25. Virgin (from the Latin term virgo, â€Å"young woman, virgin†): Originally a specific reference to a female with no sexual experience, now used lightheartedly to refer to someone new to a situation. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:English Grammar 101: All You Need to KnowBody Parts as Tools of MeasurementCapitalizing Titles of People and Groups
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