Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Acute Kidney Injury Aki Health And Social Care Essay
Intense Kidney Injury Aki Health And Social Care Essay The primary depiction of ARF, at that point named ischuria renalis, was by William Heberden in 1802.25 At the start of the twentieth century, ARF, at that point named Acute Brights sickness, was all around portrayed in William Oslers Textbook for Medicine (1909), as an outcome of harmful operators, pregnancy, copies, injury, or procedure on the kidneys. During the First World War the condition was namedwar nephritis26, and was accounted for in a few distributions. The disorder was overlooked until the Second World War, when Bywaters and Beall distributed their traditional paper on pulverize syndrome.27 However, it is Homer W. Smith who is credited for the presentation of the term intense renal disappointment, in a section on Acute renal disappointment identified with horrible wounds in his course book The kidney-structure and capacity in wellbeing and ailment (1951). Sadly, an exact biochemical meaning of ARF was never proposed and, up to this point, there was no agreement on the dem onstrative models or clinical meaning of ARF, bringing about numerous various definitions. DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION Intense kidney injury (AKI) is a mutable condition of fluctuated seriousness. It is portrayed by a quick (hours to weeks) decrease in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and maintenance of nitrogenous waste items, for example, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine.2,3 as of late, it has been perceived that the respected term intense renal disappointment (ARF) neglects to enough depict what is a powerful procedure reaching out across commencement, support, and recuperation stages, every one of which might be of variable length and seriousness. The term intense renal disappointment proposes that the condition is dichotomous and places an undue accentuation on whether renal capacity has clearly fizzled. This misrepresents the now entrenched truth that even mellow decrements in glomerular filtration might be related with unfavorable clinical outcomes.28-32 The option proposed term intense kidney injury has a lot to suggest it, maybe better catches the various idea of this disorder, a nd has gone into across the board clinical use. Verifiably, patients with AKI have been named being nonoliguric (pee yield >400 mL/day), oliguric (urinary out-put <400 mL/day), or anuric (urinary yield <100 mL/day).33 Lower levels of urinary yield regularly mirror a progressively serious starting injury, have suggestions for volume over-burden and electrolyte unsettling influences, and are of prognostic significance. Be that as it may, the helpful control of the pee yield doesn't improve this prognostic affiliation. For reasons for conclusion and the board, AKI has been partitioned into three categories34 1. Illnesses portrayed by renal hypoperfusion in which the uprightness of renal parenchymal tissue is safeguarded (prerenal states), 2. Maladies including renal parenchymal tissue (intrarenal AKI or inherent AKI), and 3. Ailments related with intense obstacle of the urinary tract (postrenal or obstructive AKI). Most intense characteristic AKI is brought about by ischemia or nephrotoxins and is traditionally connected with ATN. AKI may happen in somebody either with already typical renal capacity or as an intense and unforeseen crumbling in work in the setting of recently settled interminable kidney illness. The etiology and result of AKI is intensely impacted by the conditions in which it happens, for example, regardless of whether it creates in the network or in the emergency clinic. It is likewise imperative to recognize whether the kidney injury happens as a secluded procedure, which is progressively regular in network obtained AKI, or on the off chance that it happens as part as an increasingly broad multiorgan condition. In the previous setting, the executives is regularly, at any rate at first, preservationist and follows a hopeful methodology conceding renal substitution treatment whenever the situation allows while anticipating the unconstrained recuperation of renal capacity. On account of a basically sick patient with multiorgan disappointment, dialysis might be initiated a lot before, on the grounds that the objective isn't just control of azotemia but instead one of renal help trying to improve the subjects physiologic parameters.35 In excess of 35 unique meanings of AKI have been utilized in the ongoing literature.36 In 2004, the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI)1,19-23 gathering, including specialists in the fields of nephrology and basic consideration medication, distributed the RIFLE characterization, another accord and proof based definition for AKI.1 The RIFLE order characterizes three evaluations of seriousness of AKI (Risk, Injury and Failure) in view of changes to serum creatinine and pee yield and two clinical results (Loss, End-stage). The arrangement framework incorporates separate standards for creatinine and pee yield (UO). A patient can satisfy the rules through changes in serum creatinine (SCreat) or changes in UO, or both. The measures that lead to the most noticeably awful conceivable arrangement ought to be utilized. The abbreviation RIFLE represents the expanding seriousness classes Risk, Injury, and Failure; and the two result classes, Loss and End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). The three seriousness grades are characterized based on the progressions in SCr or pee yield where the most noticeably terrible of every model is utilized. The two result rules, Loss and ESRD, are characterized by the span of loss of kidney function.As of mid 2010, over a large portion of a million patients have been concentrated to assess the RIFLE measures as a methods for ordering patients with AKI.37-39 In 2007, the Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN), a universal system of AKI analysts, composed a culmination of nephrology and basic consideration social orders from around the globe. The gathering embraced the RIFLE models with a little alteration to remember little changes for SCr (> 0.3 mg/dl or > 26.5 mmol/l) when they happen inside a 48-hour period.24 Two late examinations analyzing enormous databases in the USA40 and Europe41 approved these adjusted rules. Thakar et al. discovered that expanded seriousness of AKI was related with an expanded danger of death free of comorbidity.40 Demonstrative models for intense kidney injury24 A sudden (inside 48 hours) decrease in kidney work right now characterized as a flat out increment in serum creatinine of more than or equivalent to 0.3 mg/dl (≠¥ 26.4 ÃŽ ¼mol/l), a rate increment in serum creatinine of more than or equivalent to half (1.5-overlay from pattern), or a decrease in pee yield (reported oliguria of under 0.5 ml/kg every hour for over six hours). A significant test in the examination and the executives of AKI is the ideal acknowledgment of the disorder. It stays hard to effectively and dependably measure fast changes in the GFR. In spite of the fact that the seriousness in decrease in GFR corresponds with the beginning of oliguria, the last is heartless marker of the condition in light of the fact that numerous subjects with extreme renal disappointment remain nonoliguric. In AKI, there is poor understanding between serum creatinine and GFR, in any event until a serum creatinine consistent state is reached, and, after its all said and done, the total ascent in serum creatinine must consider contrasts in creatinine age rates.42 accordingly, meanings of AKI that depend on a fixed addition in serum creatinine would be required to be one-sided toward making an early analysis in very much ripped as contrasted and malnourished subjects or in men as contrasted and ladies. Creatinine clearances, particularly when estimated over a bri ef timeframe casing, for example, 2 to 4 hours, has some utility yet may considerably overestimate GFR at low degrees of renal capacity attributable to a generally high extent of cylindrical discharge. Indeed, even the utilization of markers, for example, iothalamate to gauge GFR might be less exact in the intense when contrasted with the ceaseless setting owing with adjustments in their volume of dispersion just as issues identifying with cylindrical deterrent and backleak. Occurrence Intense kidney injury is a typical and significant indicative and helpful test for clinicians.43The frequency of AKI is hard to evaluate on the grounds that no library of its event exists and in light of the fact that as of not long ago there was no normalized definition. From an assortment of overwhelmingly single focus contemplates it is assessed that 5% to 7% of hospitalized patients create AKI.44-47 More point by point data is accessible with respect to its improvement in the emergency unit condition, where roughly 25% to 30% of unselected patients build up some level of AKI, albeit again gauges shift extensive relying upon the definition utilized and the populace casemix. Renal substitution treatment is ordinarily required in 5% to 6% of the general ICU populace or 8.8 to 13.4 cases per 100,000 populace/year.30,43,48-53 AKI is likewise a significant clinical confusion in the creating scene, especially in the setting of diarrheal sicknesses, irresistible ailments like jungle feve r and leptospirosis, and cataclysmic events, for example, seismic tremors. The rate of AKI has developed by more than fourfold in the United States since 1988 and is evaluated to have a yearly occurrence of 500 for each 100,000 populace, higher than the yearly rate of stroke. AKI is related with an extraordinarily expanded danger of death in hospitalized people, especially in those admitted to the ICU where in-medical clinic death rates may surpass 50%.44 AKI IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD The study of disease transmission of AKI contrasts immensely among created and creating nations, attributable to contrasts in socioeconomics, financial matters, geology, and comorbid sickness trouble. While certain highlights of AKI are basic to both-especially since urban focuses of some creating nations progressively take after those in the created world-numerous etiologies for AKI are area explicit, for example, envenomations from snakes, bugs, caterpillars, and honey bees; irresistible causes, for example, jungle fever and leptospirosis; and squash wounds and resultant rhabdomyolysis from earthquakes.44Factors liable for this higher occurrence of AKI in the tropics remember hot atmosphere for con
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Five Steps to Conducting a Systematic Review
Question: Express the reason for the examination, distinguish the issue and recognize, depict, and evaluate for fittingness any exploration destinations, questions, or speculations. On the off chance that there are none, recommend how those may be expressed. Answer: Motivation behind the investigation, and ID of the issue The meaning of nursing is changing in todays time. There are some notorious good examples in nursing calling. Because of this a few attendants picked their calling and attempt to follow the rule given by their good examples. In any case, in todays time, just a couple of attendants can satisfy the hopes of the patients. The idea of minding among medical attendants and patients is additionally evolving (Nursingworld.org, 2015). The paper audits a test to decide the hole between idea of care of medical attendants and patients. Assessment of given writing audit The pre-owned articles are significant. The past hypotheses and studies are depicted. All the references are not current. Some are inside the time range of 1980 and 2000. 16 references are from the most recent ten years. No sources are from the most recent 5 years. There is no specific information on connection between care, results and wellbeing. There is no sureness of whether medical caretakers and patients have a similar meaning of care. Assessment and scrutinize of study structure The structure is unequivocally communicated. In here, the system depends on meaningful hypothesis. It distinguishes and depicts connection between the ideas of intrigue. The structure thinks about information on nursing. In the nursing calling appropriate information on patients see on various angles are significant. There is a distinction in assessments of attendant and patient in regards to the consideration given by the medical caretaker. The system is done to survey this hypothesis. Suitability of research objective. The examination destinations were proper. Investigate of variable. Free factors are patient and medical attendants. Subordinate factors are caring conduct. Scrutinize of qualities and segment factors Segment variable was age of the patients. Study of the exploration plan. By inquire about plan of any investigation we mean is its examination type. It might be graphic, audit, exploratory, meta-expository. The subtypes incorporate factors, speculation, investigate question, exploratory structure (Khalid S Khan, 2003). The structure concentrate for this situation is an audit. In particular, it is a deliberate survey. Gathering was finished concurring o patients and medical attendants. Some pilot reads were utilized for structuring this examination. The current examination was on discoveries of pilot study Portrayal and investigate of the example and setting. Research considers which were quantitative and had medical caretakers and patients recognitions were remembered for the investigation. The examinations were from logical diaries. There was an unnecessary measure of studies yet those were not utilized. The members must be grown-ups. The setting was constantly a medical clinic or establishment. Quantitative research plans were followed. From the outset, literary works were scanned for with the goal that the pertinent articles were picked. An absolute number of 262 articles were delivered. The titles were screened for. Titles which were superfluous were rejected. The staying 98 articles were picked for the following stage. Copies were considered as well. At that point, an assessment was finished. Modified works were checked for incorporation models. The ones gathering the standards went on to the following stage. In the last stage, 51 articles were examined. No additional data was found via looking through the references. 29 articles were focused on for quality checking. The 29 articles were perused and assessed by an agenda. A portion of the examinations were avoided that was not meeting incorporation standards. 5 articles were along these lines barred. To watch that the prohibition was only, the articles were understood twice. No issue was found. The articles at last picked had in it the mindful conduct. The articl es had writer, distribution date, point of study, test size, subtleties of populace. Blend of information was then done by account approach. 23 articles were inspected. By power examination assurance of test size is done which is done to get successful outcomes (Statmethods.net, 2015). No force investigation was done in the examination. The examples picked had a few information on view of medical attendant and patient about caring conduct. Now and then members drop out of the investigations being done. This is called test mortality (Yu, 2015). In the current investigation there was no example mortality. Mortality markers are age-explicit rate in death, driving causes behind death (Rand.org, 2002). This methodical survey followed the Center for Reviews and Disseminations direction. The investigation was set by thinking about countless confirmations accumulated from explore articles. The setting was fitting for the examination on the grounds that in the investigation, an audit was to be set up on the examination subject. Study of the estimation instrument. Perception technique was utilized for the orderly audit. Ostensible degree of estimation was accomplished. Q-strategy and Care-Q instruments were utilized here. In this orderly audit, 18 of the 23 examinations utilized the Q-system. Rest utilized different instruments. These were Caring Behavior Assessment (CBA), the Caring Behaviors Inventory (CBI), and the Caring Dimensions Inventory (CDI). The instruments are solid and legitimate. Technique for information assortment. Q-system and Care-Q instrument were utilized. Scrutinize of the factual examinations utilized. Spearmans relationship, t-test, ANOVA was utilized. These are the study of investigating and introducing information (Fao.org, 2015). Various degrees of criticalness were accomplished. The focal point of every investigation was on contrasts among medical attendants and patients angles. The measurable methodology utilized were t-test, Analysis of fluctuation, Spearmans connection. The measurements are t, F and rho. At times explicit outcomes and likelihood were found. Motivation behind examination Measurable strategy Measurement Result Likelihood (p) contrasts between the impression of medical attendant and patient t-test t Not given p = 0 .0001 contrasts in the solace, relationship subscales, open, foresees and trusting Examination of fluctuation F Not given p = 0.05 Relationship for medical attendants and patients gathering Spearmans relationship rho 0.94 Not given Study of the analysts understanding of discoveries. The constraint was that a few investigations utilized for the audit had little examples. Another restriction was that proportion of the two gatherings observations about minding by the quantitative technique were just taken. The paper is helpful in giving a thought on impression of caring conduct. The paper can be valuable for instructive projects for medical caretakers. Further research should be accomplished for additional information about connection among patient and medical attendant in connection with care. References: Khalid S Khan, G. (2003). Five stages to directing a precise review.Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, [online] 96(3), p.118. Accessible at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC539417/[Accessed 30 Jun. 2015]. Nursingworld.org,. (2015).Nursing at its Best: Competent and Caring. Recovered 30 June 2015, from https://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol-16-2011/No2-May-2011/Articles-Previous-Topics/Nursing-at-its-Best.aspx Rand.org, (2002).Mortality and Sample Selection: Reply to Noymer | RAND. [online] Available at: https://www.rand.org/bars/reprints/RP1000.html [Accessed 1 Jul. 2015]. Statmethods.net, (2015).Quick-R: Power Analysis. [online] Available at: https://www.statmethods.net/details/power.html [Accessed 1 Jul. 2015]. Yu, D. (2015).Threats to legitimacy of Research Design. [online] Web.pdx.edu. Accessible at: https://web.pdx.edu/~stipakb/download/PA555/ResearchDesign.html [Accessed 1 Jul. 2015]. Fao.org, (2015).6 BASIC STATISTICAL TOOLS. [online] Available at: https://www.fao.org/docrep/w7295e/w7295e08.htm [Accessed 1 Jul. 2015].
Monday, August 3, 2020
Whats Up With The Mail!
Whats Up With The Mail! Honestly, Im not entirely sure. But Ill tell you everything I know. I know that many of you havent heard yet, and that its enormously frustrating. For this I wholeheartedly apologize. Please hang in there for us; your decision should arrive any day. I know that your frustration is compounded by the fact that people in Alaska have received their decisions while people in Cambridge have not. I cant explain this, other than to say that (1) the Post Office is dealing with insane amounts of mail due to the holiday season, and (2) we had a major blizzard the day we mailed. Oh, and (3) the post office infrastructure seems to have its own reality, which doesnt always match up to ours. Some things I can actually clarify: We mailed all decisions (admitted, deferred, rejected) at the exact same time on Friday afternoon, 12/9/05. If someone received a piece of mail that was postmarked on 12/8/05, this was a postal error I can promise you that nothing left our office until 12/9. Based on a variety of factors, I can confidently say that as of this morning, not every admit has received his or her tube. So if you havent received anything yet, it does not mean automatic deferral or rejection. Applicants from the same school often receive their decisions on different days. This happens every year and rarely correlates with a specific type of decision (i.e. all admitted on monday, all deferred on tuesday, etc.) There is no rhyme or reason to the ways of the post office. Again, I know this is very frustrating for you all, and Im thinking about you guys. Hoping you all get your decisions today. EDIT Marty OBrien, the manager of MITs Mail Services, just checked in via a comment and I thought it would be best to paraphrase his comment here where more would see it. When the tubes and letters left our office on Friday afternoon, we in admissions expected that everything was going to be processed via first class mail. Unfortunately, the folks who handle the logistics of processing and inputting MIT mail into the Postal Service were able to process the tubes on Friday but not able to process the letters until Monday. This explains why so many more tubes have been received than letters at this juncture. I promise you that we were not made aware of this fact until one hour ago; otherwise I would have let you know before now. I feel terrible about this guys. We all do. Ill post further updates if they arise.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
6 Myths and Fallacies About College Admissions
The college admissions process is competitive and frenzied enough without falling prey to its most insidious myths. Believing any of these lies adds anxiety to an already stressful process, says Josh Bottomly, a college admissions expert and associate director of college counseling at the Casady School, a private prep school in Oklahoma City. And it could actually result in your child being rejected by some or all of his top choice schools. Myth #1: Only Top Tier Schools Prepare People for Success The most pervasive myth in our culture is that only certain schools (aka Ivies) will prepare people for success, says Bottomly. The underlying idea is that if a student doesn’t graduate from a Top 20 Newsweek-rated college, then they won’t have opportunities for jobs, promotions, and influence. Well, tell that to over half of our U.S. Senators. They graduated from public universities. Tell that to 43 of the top 50 CEO’s in the world. They graduated from schools other than Ivies. Tell that to Condoleezza Rice – a graduate of the University of Denver. Or Steven Spielberg. He was rejected from USC three times. He graduated from Cal State Long Beach. Or Tom Hanks. He attended Chabot Community College. Part of the genius of America is that you can make your destiny by what you do, not where you go to college. Myth #2: A College Brochure in the Mailbox Means Something Too often, says Bottomly, parents and students will fall victim to college attract to reject marketing campaigns. Through a flurry of glossy brochures and enticing paraphernalia, colleges will dupe students into believing an acceptance letter ensues. The truth is, the college only wants the application. The more applications a college receives, the more it can reject. The more it rejects, the higher its ranking goes up. And let’s be honest: college rankings are to Newsweek what the swimsuit issue is to Sports Illustrated. Sex sells. So do rankings. Myth #3: Applying to More Schools Increases Ones Chances Sometimes, says Bottomly, I will run into a parent who thinks he or she has done the math: If my student applies to more selective schools, it will increase his chances of getting into one of them. My response: Imagine you’re an archer. The target stands 1000 feet away. The bull’s eye is the size of a pea. According to Bill Fitzsimmons, dean of admissions at Harvard, that’s your odds at getting into a Top 20 University – about 3% without an admissions advantage. The fallacy here is to think that if you apply to all 20 schools that you will broaden the bull’s eye. Fitzsimmons response: All a student has done is drawn a circle around the same pea-size target 20 times. My advice then: shorten the distance to the target and broaden the bull’s eye. The former means, you apply to more schools where your GPA and test scores (ACT or SAT) fall into the median range. The latter means you apply to at least six first choice schools where you are competit ive. By doing this, you will significantly increase your chances of hitting your target. Myth #4: Once you send in the application, youre done.Myth #5: Large universities offer more opportunities than small liberal arts colleges.Myth #6: Colleges are looking for well-rounded students.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Idealism and Realism Essay - 1792 Words
â€Å"In the place where idealism and realism meet, that is where there is the greatest evolutionary tension.†Idealism prioritizes ideals, social reforms and morals, by wanting to benefit not just yourself, but the world around you, believing people are generally good. On the contrary, realism gives priority to national interest and security with emphasis on promoting one’s own power and influence by assuming that people are egocentric by nature. Based on the definitions stated above, idealism and realism are significantly different from each other and their divergence of thought is more apparent when various proponents of each such as Woodrow Wilson, Henry Lodge, Barack Obama and George W. Bush have varied outlooks on comparable issues in†¦show more content†¦His idea of the League of Nations was significant because he believed if various countries worked together, there were fewer chances of violent conflicts such as wars. However, Wilson’s goals we re long term, but for the most part he did not present a clear way to achieve those goals. Tragically, his Fourteen Points were not accepted by Congress. Congress did not pass the proposal to join the League of Nations because Wilson had not included Congress in the negotiations. More importantly, the US did not join the League of Nations because the Senate was strictly against it, since they were more realists than idealists in the Senate and most people did not agree with Wilson’s ideas. Ultimately, Wilson did come up with the idea of the League of Nations, but the US never joined, which some say contributed to its’ failure. The biggest opposition to the US joining the League of Nations came from Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. His being a realist was very opposing to many of Wilson’s idealist concepts, which is why he was out front against the League of Nations. In particular, Lodge believed involvement in the League would compromise US sovereignty by necessitating the US to take part in international conflicts while it was not in the national interest of the US to do so. In addition, he also believed that being a part of the League of Nations would threaten the political freedom because the United States would be constricted byShow MoreRelatedIdealism, Realism, And Marxism1559 Words  | 7 PagesWhat do the theories we have looked at to this point (idealism, realism, Marxism) tell us about the prospects, and necessary conditions, for cooperation in international politics? International politics have been in our nation since the beginning of time. Nations have tried to work together and international politics have given many tries a cooperation. In today’s world conflict is always occurring. Many different world issues pop up every single day. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Double Helix †Character Guide Free Essays
Double Helix Readers Guide * Max Perutz – was the head of the unit where Crick works at Cambridge University. Perutz also shared important X-ray crystallography imagery with Watson and Crick that he had received from Maurice Wilkins and Franklin. Whether he was supposed to give this information to Watson and Crick without Franklin’s knowledge is unknown, nor is it entirely known how important her work was to the discovery of the structure. We will write a custom essay sample on The Double Helix – Character Guide or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sir Lawrence Bragg – the head of the Cavendish laboratory at Cambridge university, met with much resistance from Watson and especially Crick. Bragg is the youngest ever Nobel prize winner, which he won for the discovery of the Bragg low of X-ray crystallography. Bragg also wrote the foreword to Watson’s book, adding dramatically to the respectability of the book. * John Kendrew – English educated, also worked in the Cavendish laboratory under the direction of Bragg. Worked closely with Perutz and shared the 1962 Nobel prize with him for their work on X-ray crystallography. Erwin Schrodinger – his book What is Life was a great inspiration to Watson, who agreed that many secrets can be uncovered if the scientific world dedicated itself to discovery of what the true secrets of life are * O. T. Avery – important because their research on DNA/protein after Griffiths experiment on the transforming factor, was decisive enough for Watson to believe that DN A was the genetic material (not protein as was believed) * Max Delbruck – pioneered bacteriophage research which allowed Hershey and Chase to conduct their experiments with radioactive labeling. Maurice Wilkins – was Rosalind Franklin’s partner in X-ray crystallography and played an important role in providing Watson with the B-structure of DNA that Franklin and Gosling had made. Franklin, Gosling and Wilkins all worked at King’s College, London. * Rosalind Franklin – Although Franklin had not agreed to the exchange Wilkins had made (providing of B-structure imagery to Watson), her work proved that DNA was helical and that the bases were on the inside with the sugar phosphates on the outside (as she had said all along). In short, her 3 contributions were crucial to Watson’s development of the model, although the B-model proved one of her theories wrong but several right. Furthermore, Watson and Franklin had a very heated relationship, which led to many heated debates and sometimes even conflicts. * Linus Pauling – the greatest chemist in the history of the United States, worked at Cal Tech and was the closest competition to Watson and Crick in the discovery of the structure of DNA. Famous for the discovery of the hydrogen bond and the alpha-helical structure of protein. He’s also famous for publishing a wrong model of DNA (three strands) for which he saw major public embarrassment. * Herman Kalkar – was the head of the laboratory in Copenhagen where Watson did phage research soon after he graduated. He did not enjoy his time in Copenhagen, which is why he left soon after getting there. * Salvador Luria – James Watson was Luria’s first graduate student at the University of Indiana. Luria would go on to do groundbreaking work with phages in biochemistry. He would later win the Nobel prize for medicine along with Hershey and Delbruck for their work on phages. J. T. Randall – was the head of the King’s College laboratory team with Wilkins as his deputy. He shared the 1962 Nobel prize with Watson and crick * Dorothy Hodgkin – was the other major female character in the book. Both of the women clearly struggled in a world that was heavily dominated by men. However, Hodgkin was known to get along with men mu ch better than Franklin. She said this was because of her gender, whereas Franklin experienced the opposite. Franklin and Hodgkin worked closely in the contemplation of the DNA structure. Both scientists were X-ray crystallographers. Hodgkin won the 1964 Nobel prize for chemistry * Willy Seeds – was famous for calling Watson â€Å"honest Jim. †Worked with Maurice Wilkins in the King’s laboratory and was famous for his pioneering work on the DNA fibers. Him calling Watson honest Jim was clearly sarcasm because they King’s scientists were still bitter about Watson stealing their data to make his model * R. G. Gosling – this was Franklin’s lab partner at King’s College laboratory * Erwin Chargaff – discovered the bases in the purines and pyrimidines (double and single ring) and also discovered that A matches with T and C matches with G. Gave Watson an important clue in his model building, that he had to match the bases. * Al Hershey – was a scientist that was known for conducting the final proof of DNA being the hereditary material. Their experiment ended the race and assured the scientific world that DNA was the inherited material. * Martha Chase – was Hershey’s lab partner, and was one of the few other women in the scientific world * Peter Pauling – Linus’ son, came to study in London and Watson showed him around. In the process Peter gave Watson some important hints that his father was getting close to the discovery of the alpha helical structure. How to cite The Double Helix – Character Guide, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Causes Of World War I Essays - Causes Of World War I
The Causes of World War I The First World War had many causes; the historians probably have not yet discovered and discussed all of them so there might be more causes than what we know now. The spark of the Great War was the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, and his wife by a Serbian nationalist on the morning of June 28, 1914, while traveling in a motorcade through Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Archduke was chosen as a target because Serbians feared that after his ascension to the throne, he would continue the persecution of Serbs living within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Serbian terrorist organization, the Black Hand, had trained a small group of teenage operatives to infiltrate Bosnia and carry out the assassination of the Archduke. It is unclear how officially active the Serbian government was in the plot. However, it was uncovered years later that the leader of the Black Hand was also the head of Serbian military intelligence. In order to underezd the complexity of the causes of the war, it is very helpful to know what was the opinion of the contemporaries about the causes of the Great War. In the reprint of the article "What Started the War", from August 17, 1915 issue of The Clock magazine published on the Internet the author writes: "It is thought that this war that is been ongoing for over a year, began with the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand. However, many other reasons led to this war, some occurring as far back the late 1800's. Nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and the system of alliances were four main factors that pressed the great powers towards this explosive war." According to the article above, the author stresses that the nationalism was one of the primary causes of the war. In the ninetieth and twentieth centuries, especially after the French Revolution nationalism was becoming a powerful force in Europe so people that had the same culture, language wanted their own country. And that was the problem for the government of Austria-Hungary that did not want to lose their power and control. The Slavs in the southern part of the empire were their main concern since they wanted to join up to Serbia. Militarism is the second cause according to the article above, which comes after the nationalism. To underezd what the author means by militarism one should be familiar with the situation of the world in the beginning of the century, which was the result of both industrial and democratic revolutions. Britain at that time was the largest empire in the world, and it also had the largest navy. The navy was so big and strong because the Britons needed to protect their empire and maintain the sea routes between the different colonies. The Kaiser William II of Germany hated and envied Britain for having a stronger navy than his. He increased the German navy and built many warships. Britain responded with building more ships and increasing its navy too. This started a race for building more and better warships and it created tension and competition between those two countries. Imperialism and the system of alliances are the last two major causes of the War. There was a quarrel between France and Germany about controlling the colonies, and especially Morocco, which leads to a greater conflict, the Great War. Europe at that time was divided into two rival alliance systems: Triple Entente that included Great Britain, France, and Russia and the Triple Alliance, which included the Central Powers of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and eventually the Ottoman Turkish Empire. Austria-Hungary must take a large proportion of any blame for the outbreak of war in 1914. The reason for Germany's part in the causes involves Germany's "blank Check" policy. Before sending its ultimatum to Serbia, Austria needed to be sure of the support of its ally, Germany. Such support was forthcoming in the form of a telegram to the Emperor Franz Joseph on 6 July 1914. The telegram has become known to history as the "Blank Check". In order to balance the power, France and Russia signed an alliance. Russia saw itself as the 'protector
Saturday, March 21, 2020
American Dream Essays (804 words) - Harlem Renaissance, Free Essays
American Dream Essays (804 words) - Harlem Renaissance, Free Essays American Dream What is the AMERICAN DREAM? I concluded the matter of dreaming about lifes basics wants that are exclusive to North America. The American Dream is the following: Go to college, get a good job, and finally get your own family. If we think about it, the American Dream is indeed a UNIVERSAL DREAM. The concept of the American Dream is created by this value system. The American Dream is intended to be a way of life attainable to all Americans. Whatever maybe the case, the act of trying to escape reality and the result such an act brings, is evident throughout the three novels Jews without money, by Michael Gold, Street Corner Society by William Whyte, and Passing, by Nella Larsen. All three of these books confront the myth of the American Dream. The American Dream can either be a reality or a nightmare depending upon the cultural prejudices and availability of freedom. Individuals who are united through some common bond, which may be religion social status of color, create a group or class of people. While individuals are subject to racial prejudices, which often makes up upward mobility not possible. Without equal opportunities to move upwards within society, the American Dream is not attainable. But it is possible in cases where people are willing to sacrifice their heritage culture etc. Nella Larsen, show us through this novel, that if people want, they can achieve the American Dream, but they would have to pay a price for it. This is especially true of Clare Kendry. Her passing is motivated by her desire to improve the conditions of her socioeconomic life. She is successful in achieving her American Dream, but in the end she does face the consequences of her actions. She manages to rise from being a poor girl to settling down in a well household. Using her white skin color and blond hair as commodities, she escapes the reality of her true character. She gained wealth and respect in the community through marrying an affluent successful white man. But the truth is that she paid the price of passing because she couldnt express who she was and her true identity in the fear of being caught and then left aside abandoned from the whites and the black communities. In her case, her decision to pass was self-initiated. Clare was afraid to face everyone, especially her husban d, with her blackness. When one cannot stand in front of a mirror and except him or herself, that person is bound to be doomed. In Clares case it resulted in her death. So it can be said, that in this case Clare achieved the dream of being accepted into society and a well off rich husband, but in the end she did pay the price for that sacrifice she made. Jews Without Money is a novel of life of Jewish immigrants in the tenements of New York City's Lower East Side in the early part of this century. It's a day-in-the-life tale of thieves, gangsters and honest folks just trying to get by in a new country. The novel Jews without money by Michael Gold explores the fundamental discrepancy between the American Dream v/s the American Reality due to the warping of poverty. The immigrant Jews step from steerage in search of the American dream and instead find themselves crowded in filthy, roach-ridden tenements, at the mercy of factory owners, and gangsters (the American Reality). Social depression arising due to extreme poverty led to the establishments of ghettos a completely new lifestyle. Thus the fundamental discrepancy between the American Dream v/s the American Reality exists due to the existence of poverty. Poverty seems to be the underlying cause of every misfortune in life, and thus even in their make believe world, everything they v ainly want is due to poverty and nothing else. The novel displays different forms of struggles that immigrants go through in order to escape the reality. Michael Gold wishes to be rich, but he is not able to fulfill his dreams and he believes that the American Dream is a lie. His family is unable to lift itself from the bottom of the ladder and prosper. One of their main struggle, is
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812
Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812 The Battle of New Orleans was fought December 23, 1814-January 8, 1815, during the War of 1812 (1812-1815). Armies Commanders Americans Major General Andrew JacksonCommodore Daniel Pattersonapprox. 4,700-4,800 men British Major General Edward PakenhamVice Admiral Sir Alexander CochraneMajor General John Lambertapprox. 8,000-9,000 men Battle of New Orleans - Background In 1814, with the Napoleonic Wars concluding in Europe, Britain was free to focus its attention on fighting the Americans in North America. The British plan for the year called for three major offensives with one coming from Canada, another striking at Washington, and the third hitting New Orleans. While the thrust from Canada was defeated at the Battle of Plattsburgh by Commodore Thomas MacDonough and Brigadier General Alexander Macomb, the offensive in the Chesapeake region saw some success before being halted at Fort McHenry. A veteran of the latter campaign, Vice Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane moved south that fall for the attack on New Orleans. Having embarked 8,000-9,000 men, under the command of Major General Edward Pakenham, a veteran of the Duke of Wellingtons Spanish campaigns, Cochranes fleet of around 60 ships arrived off Lake Borgne on December 12. In New Orleans, the defense of the city was tasked to Major General Andrew Jackson, commanding the Seventh Military District, and Commodore Daniel Patterson who oversaw the US Navys forces in the region. Working frantically, Jackson assembled around 4,700 men which included the 7th US Infantry, 58 US Marines, a variety of militia, Jean Lafittes Baratarian pirates, as well as free black and Native American troops (Map). Battle of New Orleans - Fighting on Lake Borgne Desiring to approach New Orleans through Lake Borgne and the adjacent bayous, Cochrane directed Commander Nicholas Lockyer to assemble a force of 42 armed longboats to sweep American gunboats from the lake. Commanded by Lieutenant Thomas ap Catesby Jones, American forces on Lake Borgne numbered five gunboats and two small sloops of war. Departing on December 12, Lockyers 1,200-man force located Jones squadron 36 hours later. Closing with the enemy, his men were able to board the American vessels and overwhelm their crews. Though a victory for British, the engagement delayed their advance and gave Jackson additional time to prepare his defenses. Battle of New Orleans - The British Approach With the lake open, Major General John Keane landed on Pea Island and established a British garrison. Pushing forward, Keane and 1,800 men reached the east bank of the Mississippi River approximately nine miles south of the city on December 23 and encamped on the Lacoste Plantation. Had Keane continued his advance up the river, he would have found the road to New Orleans undefended. Alerted to the British presence by Colonel Thomas Hinds dragoons, Jackson reportedly proclaimed By the Eternal, they shall not sleep on our soil and commenced preparations for an immediate strike against the enemy camp. Early that evening, Jackson arrived north of Keanes position with 2,131men. Launching a three-pronged attack on the camp, a sharp fight ensued that saw American forces inflict 277 (46 killed) casualties while sustaining 213 (24 killed). Falling back after the battle, Jackson established a line along the Rodriguez Canal four miles south of the city at Chalmette. Though a tactical victory for Keane, the American attack put the British commander off balance, causing him to delay any advance on the city. Using this time, Jacksons men began fortifying the canal, dubbing it Line Jackson. Two days later, Pakenham arrived on the scene and was angered by the armys position opposite an increasingly strong fortification. Though Pakenham initially wished to move the army through the Chef Menteur Pass to Lake Pontchartrain, he was convinced by his staff to move against Line Jackson as they believed the small American force could be easily defeated. Repelling British probing attacks on December 28, Jacksons men began eight constructing batteries along the line and on the west bank of the Mississippi. These were supported by the sloop of war USS Louisiana (16 guns) in the river. As Pakenhams main force arrived on January 1, an artillery duel began between the opposing forces. Though several American guns were disabled, Pakenham elected to delay his main attack. Battle of New Orleans - Pakenhams Plan For his main assault, Pakenham wished an attack on both sides of the river. A force under Colonel William Thornton was to cross to the west bank, assault the American batteries, and turn their guns on Jacksons line. As this occurred, the main body of the army would attack Line Jackson with Major General Samuel Gibbs advancing on the right, with Keane to his left. A smaller force under Colonel Robert Rennie would move forward along the river. This plan quickly ran into problems as difficulties arose getting the boats to move Thorntons men from Lake Borne to the river. While a canal had been constructed, it began to collapse and the dam intended to divert water into the new channel failed. As a result, the boats had to be dragged through the mud leading to a 12-hour delay. As a result, Thornton was late in crossing on the night of January 7/8 and the current forced him to land further downstream than intended. Despite knowing that Thornton would not be in place to attack in concert with the army, Pakenham elected to move forward. Additional delays soon occurred when Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Mullens 44th Irish Regiment, which was meant to lead Gibbs attack and bridge the canal with ladders and fascines, could not be found in the morning fog. With dawn approaching, Pakenham ordered the attack to begin. While Gibbs and Rennie advanced, Keane was further delayed. Battle of New Orleans - Standing Firm As his men moved onto the Chalmette plain, Pakenham hoped that the dense fog would provide some protection. This was soon dashed as the fog melted away under the morning sun. Seeing the British columns before their line, Jacksons men opened an intense artillery and rifle fire upon the enemy. Along the river, Rennies men succeeded in taking a redoubt in front of the American lines. Storming inside, they were halted by fire from the main line and Rennie was shot dead. On the British right, Gibbs column, under heavy fire, was approaching the ditch in front of the American lines but lacked the fascines to cross (Map). With his command falling apart, Gibbs was soon joined by Pakenham who led the wayward 44th Irish forward. Despite their arrival, the advance remained stalled and Pakenham was soon wounded in the arm. Seeing Gibbs men faltering, Keane foolishly ordered the 93rd Highlanders to angle across the field to their aid. Absorbing fire from the Americans, the Highlanders soon lost their commander, Colonel Robert Dale. With his army collapsing, Pakenham ordered Major General John Lambert to lead the reserves forward. Moving to rally the Highlanders, he was struck in the thigh, and then mortally wounded in the spine. The loss of Pakenham was soon followed by the death of Gibbs and the wounding of Keane. In a matter of minutes, the entirety of British senior command on the field was down. Leaderless, British troops remained on the killing field. Pushing forward with the reserves, Lambert was met by the remnants of the attack columns as they fled towards the rear. Seeing the situation as hopeless, Lambert pulled back. The only success of the day came across the river where Thorntons command overwhelmed the American position. This too was surrendered though after Lambert learned that it would take 2,000 men to hold the west bank. Battle of New Orleans - Aftermath The victory at New Orleans on January 8 cost Jackson around 13 killed, 58 wounded, and 30 captured for a total of 101. The British reported their losses as 291 killed, 1,262 wounded, and 484 captured/missing for a total of 2,037. A stunningly one-sided victory, the Battle of New Orleans was the signature American land victory of the war. In the wake of the defeat, Lambert and Cochrane withdrew after bombarding Fort St. Philip. Sailing to Mobile Bay, they captured Fort Bowyer in February and made preparations for attacking Mobile. Before the attack could go forward, the British commanders learned that a peace treaty had been signed at Ghent, Belgium. In fact, the treaty had been signed on December 24, 1814, prior to the majority of the fighting in New Orleans. Though the United States Senate had yet to ratify the treaty, its terms stipulated that fighting should cease. While the victory at New Orleans did not influence the content of the treaty, it did aid in forcing the British to abide by its terms. In addition, the battle made Jackson a national hero and aided in propelling him to the presidency. Selected Sources US Army Center for Military History: Battle of New OrleansAndrew Jackson: Leading the Battle of New OrleansJean Lafitte National Historical Park
Monday, February 17, 2020
Compare and contrast two different management styles and assess how Essay
Compare and contrast two different management styles and assess how they can affect employee motivation - Essay Example As identified by Prucell (1987), cited in Blyton and Tumbull (1992; 256), ‘management style is an extra dimension linked to wider business policy, and at the least, related to guiding principles which infuse management behaviour in dealing with employees.’ Management style is also decided by the organizational culture, local culture, customs, and social dynamics. Based on different traits and behavioural aspects possessed by the business owners, four distinct management styles have been identified by Dr. Rensis Likert: autocratic, paternalistic, democratic and laissez-faire management style (Calvert, Coles & Bailey, 1995). Autocratic management style is considered as one of the oldest styles, with business owners or managers keeping most of the authority to themselves. Their decision making does not involve their staff. These managers are habitual of giving orders and take charge of work and get it done with authority. They are extremely quick in decision making whenever required. Paternalistic management style, usually seen in organizations promoting the familial control and management, share many of the size and ownership characteristics of autocratic type, but they tend to have much more positive attitude towards their employees. Employee consultation is a high priority, and more preference is given to staff retention and reward systems (Gennard & Judge 2005). Democratic management style adopts the employee-participation aspect in most of the management decisions. Though employees are encouraged to actively participate in decision making, the final right to approval still rests with the business owner. This style is best suited in organizations or teams with highly skilled workers that require minimal supervision. The positive aspects of this management style are feelings of belonging, pride, and high commitment. This approach can spew out employees’ ideas,
Monday, February 3, 2020
Global Financial Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Global Financial Crisis - Essay Example From the early 90’s, the United States has been experiencing economic expansion of the highest magnitude. During this period, it’s real Gross Domestic Product increased by 32.9 percent or 3.6% annual growth rate. The major reason for this expansion is consumption. Consumption is responsible for 75% of GDP which has been on the rise at an annual rate of 3.8 percent. What fuelled this increase in consumption is the consumer credit spending. Since the consumer disposable income increased at a slower rate than consumption, people began to spend on credit. The housing bubble is another key reason for growth in the United States economy. The housing growth did not only lead to booming in the construction industry. The machinery sector increased also. Employment in the real estate was high and mortgage industry ballooned. However during the 2006-2009 financial crisis, mortgage and the real estate credit decreased by 53 and 44 percent, respectively. This led to another sharp de cline in the United States economy. The military budget is another factor in the American economy. The military budget has been on the rise particularly after September 11. The military represents a direct demand to the United States government. An increase in its spending increases production levels and creates employment to many people. When these employees spend their income, it further increases jobs and income to other people. However, spending on the military does not mean it necessary stimulate the economy. Military spending was able to stimulate the economy during the 1950s when urge for weapons was high than now. The economy needed such stimulation; with the growth of credit over the last several years, United States economic problems lie within the area of innovation and investment (David 15). Military spending has also affected the supply side of the Americans economy. Military spending reduces the ability of the United States economy to develop new goods and renovate its production technology. Countries that have an increased level of military spending tend to have low investment rates. Bankruptcy is another factor that plays a vital role in the United States economy. Bankruptcy benefits the economy since giving debtors ways of discharging their debts should encourage more borrowing and spending of funds. Consumer bankruptcy has affected the United States economy negatively. When there is a high rate of consumer bankruptcy, consumer’s confidence declines, and their spending reduces. This increases the consumer’s savings rate. Increased consumer savings reduce corporate investments, which lead to job cuts. Higher unemployment rates lead to an economic downturn. The economy of the United States has periodically been witnessing numerous downfalls particularly after September 11. There has been extensive financial crisis and housing disaster, but all in all the economy has managed to hold on as the World super power. It is not as secret t hat the people charged with ensuring that the financial system is stable in the United States helped cause the 2007-10 crises. The Financial Guardians in the United States and Europe established policies that encouraged adverse credit allocation, and a lot of risk taking by their financial institutions. They still stood by the same policies even after learning of the impending financial
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Hierarchy Of Effects Model
Hierarchy Of Effects Model Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. The desired result is usually to drive consumer behavior with respect to an organizational goal commonly to increase awareness or sales. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various media; including traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor or direct mail; or new media such as websites and text messages. In shorter terms, advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. However not all advertising are successful and those that fail are mainly due to the lack of communication or failure to establish the desired messages to the audiences. In order for an advertising campaign to be successful, there are several implementations based on advertising theories which can help communication to occur effectively with the audience. Hierarchy-of-Effects Model Among advertising theories, the hierarchy-of-effects model is predominant. It shows clear steps of how advertising works.Hierarchy of effects Model can be explained with the help of a pyramid. First the lower level objectives such as awareness, knowledge or comprehension are accomplished. Subsequent objectives may focus on moving prospects to higher levels in the pyramid to elicit desired behavioral responses such as associating feelings with the brand, trial, or regular use etc. it is easier to accomplish ad objectives located at the base of the pyramid than the ones towards the top. The percentage of prospective customers will decline as they move up the pyramid towards more action oriented objectives, such as regular brand use. Awareness: If most of the target audience is unaware of the object, the communicators task is to build awareness, perhaps just name recognition, with simple messages repeating the product name. Consumers must become aware of the brand. This isnt as straightforward as it seems. Capturing someones attention doesnt mean they will notice the brand name. Thus, the brand name needs to be made focal to get consumers to become aware. Magazines are full of ads that will capture your attention, but youll have trouble easily seeing the brand name. Knowledge: The target audience might have product awareness but not know much more; hence this stage involves creating brand knowledge. This is where comprehension of the brand name and what it stands for become important. What are the brands specific appeals, its benefits? In what way is it different than competitors brands? Who is the target market? These are the types of questions that must be answered if consumers are to achieve the step of brand knowledge. Liking: If target members know the product, how do they feel about it? If the audience looks unfavourably towards the product to communicator has to find out why. If the unfavorable view is based on real problems, a communication campaigns alone cannot do the job. For product problem it is necessary to first fix the problem and only then can you communicate its renewed quality. Preference: The target audience might like the product but not prefer it to others. In this case, the communicator must try to build consumer preference by promoting quality, value, performance and other features. The communicator can check the campaigns success by measuring audience preference before and after the campaign. Conviction: A target audience might prefer a particular product but not develop a conviction about buying it. The communicators job is to build conviction among the target audience. Purchase: Finally, some members of the target audience might have conviction but not quite get around to making the purchase. They may wait for more information or plan to act later. The communicator must need these consumers to take the final step, perhaps by offering the product at a low price, offering a premium, or letting consumers tried out. This is where consumers make a move to actually search out information or purchase. Thus advertising is thought to work and follow a certain sequence whereby the prospect is moved through a series of stages in succession from unawareness to the purchase of the product. Advertising cannot induce immediate behavioural response, rather a series of mental effects must occur with the fulfillment at each stage before progress to the next stage is possible. 3ALIENCE IN OUR SENSE IS ABOUT THE BRAND COMING TO MIND IN PERSONALLY RELEVANT CHOICE SITUATIONS 2OMANIUK AND 3HARP B 4HE BRAND HAS BECOME PART OF ONE S BROAD CONSIDERATION SET A BRAND THAT ONE MIGHT BUY OR USE n EITHER NOW OR IN YEARS AHEAD 4HIS GOES WELL BEYOND TRADITIONAL AWARENESS OR EVEN THE strength OF SUCH AWARENESS E G lRST RECALL 3ALIENCE CONCERNS THE @SIZE OF THE BRAND IN ONE S MIND 2OMANIUK AND 3HARP B I E ALL THE MEMORY STRUC TURES WHICH CAN ALLOW THE BRAND TO COME FORWARD FOR THE WIDE RANGE OF RECALL CUES THAT CAN OCCUR IN PURCHASE OCCASIONS 7ITH THIS @SHARE OF MIND COME FEELINGS OF BEING FAMILIAR AND FEELINGS OF ASSUR ANCE h9ES ) VE HEARD OF IT )T SHOULD BE ALL RIGHT v 4HAT IS OUR BROAD DESIGNATION OF h3ALIENCEv n AWARENESS AND MEMORY TRACES PLUS FAMILIARITY PLUS ASSURANCE -ORAN IN HIS SEMINAL PAPER AL READY STRESSED THE ROLE OF A BRAND S h0RES ENCEv 3IMILARLY BULLMORES fAME(2002) IS A COLOURFUL WAY OF REmECTING SA LIENCE UT IT OVERSTATES THE ROLE OF BIG BRANDS n SUCCESSFUL SMALL BRANDS CAN STILL BE SALIENT FOR THOSE WHO USE OR CONSIDER THEM BUT HARDLY famous Digital advertising Television advertising / Music in advertising The TV commercial is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising format, as is reflected by the high prices TV networks charge for commercial airtime during popular TV events. The annual Super Bowl football game in the United States is known as the most prominent advertising event on television. The average cost of a single thirty-second TV spot during this game has reached US$3 million (as of 2009). The majority of television commercials feature a song or jingle that listeners soon relate to the product. Virtual advertisements may be inserted into regular television programming through computer graphics. It is typically inserted into otherwise blank backdrops[9] or used to replace local billboards that are not relevant to the remote broadcast audience.[10] More controversially, virtual billboards may be inserted into the background[11] where none exist in real-life. This technique is especially used in televised sporting events.[12][13] Virtual product placement is also possible.[14][15] Infomercials: An infomercial is a long-format television commercial, typically five minutes or longer. The word infomercial combining the words information commercial. The main objective in an infomercial is to create an impulse purchase, so that the consumer sees the presentation and then immediately buys the product through the advertised toll-free telephone number or website. Infomercials describe, display, and often demonstrate products and their features, and commonly have testimonials from consumers and industry professionals. Radio advertising Radio advertising is a form of advertising via the medium of radio. Radio advertisements are broadcast as radio waves to the air from a transmitter to an antenna and a thus to a receiving device. Airtime is purchased from a station or network in exchange for airing the commercials. While radio has the limitation of being restricted to sound, proponents of radio advertising often cite this as an advantage. Radio is an expanding medium that can be found not only on air, but also online. According to Arbitron, radio has approximately 241.6 million weekly listeners, or more than 93 percent of the U.S. population. Online advertising Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads that appear on search engine results pages, banner ads, in text ads, Rich Media Ads, Social network advertising, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam. Product placements Covert advertising, also known as guerrilla advertising, is when a product or brand is embedded in entertainment and media. For example, in a film, the main character can use an item or other of a definite brand, as in the movie Minority Report, where Tom Cruises character John Anderton owns a phone with the Nokia logo clearly written in the top corner, or his watch engraved with the Bulgari logo. Another example of advertising in film is in I, Robot, where main character played by Will Smith mentions his Converse shoes several times, calling them classics, because the film is set far in the future. I, Robot and Spaceballs also showcase futuristic cars with the Audi and Mercedes-Benz logos clearly displayed on the front of the vehicles. Cadillac chose to advertise in the movie The Matrix Reloaded, which as a result contained many scenes in which Cadillac cars were used. Similarly, product placement for Omega Watches, Ford, VAIO, BMW and Aston Martin cars are featured in recent James Bond films, most notably Casino Royale. In Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, the main transport vehicle shows a large Dodge logo on the front. Blade Runner includes some of the most obvious product placement; the whole film stops to show a Coca-Cola billboard. Physical advertising Press advertising Press advertising describes advertising in a printed medium such as a newspaper, magazine, or trade journal. This encompasses everything from media with a very broad readership base, such as a major national newspaper or magazine, to more narrowly targeted media such as local newspapers and trade journals on very specialized topics. A form of press advertising is classified advertising, which allows private individuals or companies to purchase a small, narrowly targeted ad for a low fee advertising a product or service. Another form of press advertising is the Display Ad, which is a larger ad (can include art) that typically run in an article section of a newspaper. Billboard advertising: Billboards are large structures located in public places which display advertisements to passing pedestrians and motorists. Most often, they are located on main roads with a large amount of passing motor and pedestrian traffic; however, they can be placed in any location with large amounts of viewers, such as on mass transit vehicles and in stations, in shopping malls or office buildings, and in stadiums. The RedEye newspaper advertised to its target market at North Avenue Beach with a sailboat billboard on Lake Michigan. Mobile billboard advertising Mobile billboards are generally vehicle mounted billboards or digital screens. These can be on dedicated vehicles built solely for carrying advertisements along routes preselected by clients, they can also be specially equipped cargo trucks or, in some cases, large banners strewn from planes. The billboards are often lighted; some being backlit, and others employing spotlights. Some billboard displays are static, while others change; for example, continuously or periodically rotating among a set of advertisements. Mobile displays are used for various situations in metropolitan areas throughout the world, including: Target advertising, One-day, and long-term campaigns, Conventions, Sporting events, Store openings and similar promotional events, and Big advertisements from smaller companies. In-store advertising In-store advertising is any advertisement placed in a retail store. It includes placement of a product in visible locations in a store, such as at eye level, at the ends of aisles and near checkout counters, eye-catching displays promoting a specific product, and advertisements in such places as shopping carts and in-store video displays. Coffee cup advertising Coffee cup advertising is any advertisement placed upon a coffee cup that is distributed out of an office, cafà ©, or drive-through coffee shop. This form of advertising was first popularized in Australia, and has begun growing in popularity in the United States, India, and parts of the Middle East.[citation needed] Street advertising This type of advertising first came to prominence in the UK by Street Advertising Services to create outdoor advertising on street furniture and pavements. Working with products such as Reverse Graffiti and 3d pavement advertising, the media became an affordable and effective tool for getting brand messages out into public spaces. Celebrity branding This type of advertising focuses upon using celebrity power, fame, money, popularity to gain recognition for their products and promote specific stores or products. Advertisers often advertise their products, for example, when celebrities share their favorite products or wear clothes by specific brands or designers. Celebrities are often involved in advertising campaigns such as television or print adverts to advertise specific or general products. The use of celebrities to endorse a brand can have its downsides, however. One mistake by a celebrity can be detrimental to the public relations of a brand. For example, following his performance of eight gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, swimmer Michael Phelps contract with Kelloggs was terminated, as Kelloggs did not want to associate with him after he was photographed smoking marijuana.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Research Based Instructional Program
Running Head: LIFE SKILLS RESEARCH-BASED INSTRCTIONAL PROGRAM Research-Based Instructional Program One major disadvantage to developing and implementing instructional programs not based on research is the time spent. â€Å"Time is money†, and wasted time means wasted money. Money is wasted on implementing programs that are not research based. Time and money is wasted on training. Overall time and money are wasted on the program. Without the proper research it may not be known if the program is needed in the first place. Programs may be developed that are not needed, or that may not give the desired results. Research is the prerequisite for change or reform in education. DuFour & Eaker (2008) discuss reasons why the United States is behind other countries and the curriculum reforms that have come as a result. Without research no one would be able to give reasons as to why the United States cannot compete globally in education. Without research the scholar, practitioner, research model would not exist. Program Overview Botvin Life Skills Training (LST) name after its developer, Dr. Gilbert J. Botvin was developed in the late 1970s. The program is based on scientific evidence, and is backed by over 20 scientific studies. It is a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program designed to be implemented in a classroom setting. It was developed to be taught in grades as early as 3rd grade and as late as 10th grade. The elementary grades program consists of 24, 30-45 minute class sessions that should be taught over a 3 year period. The middle grades program consists of 30, 45 minute sessions that are taught over a 3 year period. The high school program consists of 10, 40-45 minute classes that can be taught in conjunction with the middle grades program. Adoption of research-based program In the state of California more than $2 billion is spent each year on prevention efforts. California’s gang czar, Paul Seave was quoted in saying that ,â€Å"there are so many evidence based practices, but few have scientific support†(Reynolds, 2010). Peter Greenwood, leader of the Association for the Advancement of Evidence Based Practice is also quoted in saying that,†the American public does not have a strong science background and people don’t always have the skills to know when someone’s pulling their leg†. The middle grades Life skills program was implemented in an effort to cut back and potentially stop gang violence and the use of drugs and alcohol among school age children. The program has proven to be far more successful than program such as DARE (Drug Abuse and Resistance Education) and other â€Å"tough love†strategies. These programs do not seem to motivate students to stay out of jail, and steer clear of drugs and alcohol. People believe in these programs, and find it hard to believe that they do not produce the desired results. Outcomes and Implications Students that use drugs and alcohol are prone to dangerous consequences. Some of these consequences include increase in behavior that increases risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, increase risk of jail time, and potentially hurting others around them. The purpose of implementing a program such as Life Skills is to make students aware of these consequences and give them tools to stop their life from going in a downward spiral. Staff Development As an instructional leader one must show their staff that they believe in the things that are being taught to students. First, a good leader has to research in order to have a knowledge base for the tasks that teachers will be asked to take part in. Second, the leader must have training on the materials and the results that should be expected. They should be shown the way that things need to go in order for a program to be successful. Finally, an effective leader has to be motivated and be able to motivate their subordinates to take on a task that will benefit the student population. Once the leader is prepared themselves, they can then train their subordinates, or get the proper resources for the training to take place and be effective. References Botvin Life Skills Training, Retrieved from http://www. lifeskillstraining. com DuFour, R. , & Eaker, R. (2008). Professional Learning Communities at Work. New Insights for Improving Schools. Reston, VA: Solution Tree. Patterson, D. , & Keefe, R. (2008). Using Social Construction Theory as a Foundation for Macro-Level Interventions in Communities Impacted by HIV and Addictions. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 35(2), 111-126. Retrieved from Research Starters – Sociology database. Reynolds, Julie. (2010). Keeping kids out of trouble not easy [Electronic version]. The Herald.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Book Evaluation Essay Samples Exposed
Book Evaluation Essay Samples Exposed The True Meaning of Book Evaluation Essay Samples Evaluation essays can cover a whole lot of topics that is the reason why it is employed in a selection of industries and processes. Record Book Evaluation Form Record books act similarly to an incident file, however, it is going to report and indicate each detail of the events an organization member managed to pursue and achieve. The courses offer extensive knowledge concerning the management of a construction site and supply various opportunities for a candidate. The 30-Second Trick for Book Evaluation Essay Samples Essay writing skills is a tough and time-consuming endeavor. Anyway, also make certain that grammar is in order. If you're writing an evaluation essay, you should remain objective with the content which you are presenting. Essay writing examples in doc format like the ones given may help lead you in writing a great composition. If you would like to make an evaluation essay, you ought to be strategic when it has to do with the presentation of information that may assist in the writing activity. As a result, if you discover a book evaluation paper there, you might rest assured that it's good and can be relied upon. You may also just browse through samples and begin your evaluation essay from scratch. There is a broad number of evaluation essay examples that are especially created for specific purposes. Using Book Evaluation Essay Samples Yes, it's a herculean job and it takes a good deal of time to compose the dissertation proposal let alone the dissertation. A crucial book assessment surpasses sheer overview to ask into the entire amount of the job. If you're looking for the best essay producing vendors, try out the mentioned previously. Since an evaluation essay isn't only part of college essay examples as it may also be utilised in company and company processes, you need to understand the weight of its effectiveness. There's a better method of seeking assistance when you must think of an evaluation essay. Not getting your paper in time can cause you to have a whole lot of issues with the teacher and your exams. All you have to do is consult with an expert customized essay writing service like ours that is guaranteed to submit all of your assigned work punctually. You want to go over the last work done on the subject you've selected. With the correct training, you'll be in a position to grasp the use and limitations of the instruments. You have to spell out how you had the ability to produce the evaluation including the specification of the aspects you've considered within the entirety of the evaluation and writing process. After all, it isn't sufficient to just obtain the tools and read the manuals. Methodology You should talk about the tools, methods, and instruments that you'll be using for your research. Economics evaluation essays are often regarded among the toughest assessment elements of the IB Economics program. The College of Contract Management delivers various CPD courses regarding the construction website. No expertise Students don't have the understanding of structure used to compose a particular kind of assignments. The Most Popular Book Evaluation Essay Samples Based on the approach which you can desire to pursue, there are specific considerations about how to compose a reaction paper to a documentary you should make. When one writes a personal sort of essay, the initial impression is it is entirely devoted to self expression and devoid of any sort of technicality. Your personal awareness of observation and criticizing will therefore be required. Anyway, your reaction may also make an overall address to the full documentary without picking parts. You should come up with an idea based on the way the documentary touched you. Therefore, it's always recommended that you watch the documentary more often than once as a way to properly digest it and know what it is about. A book overview is much more than only a conclusion. Another thing you've got to contemplate is whether the origin of the essay is reliable. In a nutshell, a thesis statement needs to be unambiguous and ought to give a very clear sense of direction. Your report must conclude to your personal critique.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay on Technology Trends Proposal Part 2 Telemedicine
Technology Trends Proposal Part II: Telemedicine Shamika N. Magee University of Phoenix HCS 483 Instructor: Billy Kesserwani March 16th, 2015 Technology Trends Proposal Part II: Telemedicine Privacy and security law questions can become challenging in a telemedicine setting because of the nature of the data and the ways in which it is being used. Telemedicine is increasingly becoming a medium for generating, transmitting and storing large volumes of electronic health information, and as telemedicine platforms and delivery models continue to evolve, the ways in which providers are creating and using health information are constantly changing. Perhaps the first question that risk managers must consider is professional liability.†¦show more content†¦While this should not be a problem for patients and regular providers, it may be for doctors seeing new patients, since they would be unable to recognize the incorrect patient in a video-based session, as can be said for patients seeing a new provider. Telemedicine services often result in the creation of health information in formats that historically have not been part of the patient’s medical record such as audio recordings, videos and other forms of remote monitoring data (Erbetta, 1999). While hospitals and other providers have some flexibility in determining the information that comprises the medical record, there are circumstances where an organization may want or the law may require that such information to be included in the record. For example, it may be necessary to include such information in the medical record in order to comply with state medical record laws or for risk-management purposes (McCrossin, 2003). As has been true with the transition from paper to electronic medical records, health care providers will need to adapt their privacy and security practices in response to the specific privacy risks and compliance challenges associated with various forms of telemedicine. Depending on the nature of the telemedicine services being provided, this may require updating policies and security riskShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Delta Coast Hospital Essay4951 Words  | 20 Pagesof physicians? practices, ambulatory centers, diagnostic centers, home care services, DME and wellness companies. 2.2 Goal 2: Access Increase preventive care measures to help improve medical outcomes, reduce hospitalizations, length of stays and charges. Establish patient centered care around the patient?s individual needs and not the disease. 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