Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay on Technology Trends Proposal Part 2 Telemedicine
Technology Trends Proposal Part II: Telemedicine Shamika N. Magee University of Phoenix HCS 483 Instructor: Billy Kesserwani March 16th, 2015 Technology Trends Proposal Part II: Telemedicine Privacy and security law questions can become challenging in a telemedicine setting because of the nature of the data and the ways in which it is being used. Telemedicine is increasingly becoming a medium for generating, transmitting and storing large volumes of electronic health information, and as telemedicine platforms and delivery models continue to evolve, the ways in which providers are creating and using health information are constantly changing. Perhaps the first question that risk managers must consider is professional liability.†¦show more content†¦While this should not be a problem for patients and regular providers, it may be for doctors seeing new patients, since they would be unable to recognize the incorrect patient in a video-based session, as can be said for patients seeing a new provider. Telemedicine services often result in the creation of health information in formats that historically have not been part of the patient’s medical record such as audio recordings, videos and other forms of remote monitoring data (Erbetta, 1999). While hospitals and other providers have some flexibility in determining the information that comprises the medical record, there are circumstances where an organization may want or the law may require that such information to be included in the record. For example, it may be necessary to include such information in the medical record in order to comply with state medical record laws or for risk-management purposes (McCrossin, 2003). As has been true with the transition from paper to electronic medical records, health care providers will need to adapt their privacy and security practices in response to the specific privacy risks and compliance challenges associated with various forms of telemedicine. Depending on the nature of the telemedicine services being provided, this may require updating policies and security riskShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Delta Coast Hospital Essay4951 Words  | 20 Pagesof physicians? practices, ambulatory centers, diagnostic centers, home care services, DME and wellness companies. 2.2 Goal 2: Access Increase preventive care measures to help improve medical outcomes, reduce hospitalizations, length of stays and charges. Establish patient centered care around the patient?s individual needs and not the disease. 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